

Now this is inspiring...

and this...

and this.
I cried when each of these people crossed the finish line. I don't know why. A marathon (26.2 miles) is such a tremendous accomplishment. So much sacrifice and time put into training and then to actually follow through with it. I just don't know if I could do it, but you all definately inspire me.

Way to go!


Zenica said...

You guys are all so inspiring. I wish that one day I could do the same.

Pamela Ilene said...

I agree. It was awesome to think you can push your body like that. We can do anything if we put our minds to it! Fun day.

Unknown said...

What a great experience. I'm so happy I was apart of it! thanks for the picture crop :)

Krista said...

hooray! we did it and I don't have to run another ever again... :) we'll see.

Rosander said...

I cried looking at it and reading your comments... I know exactly what you mean. What an accomplishment. Way to go guys!